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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Reasons why you should learn to speak Chinese

Because China now more and more of the world's premier power Nations, it is only natural to want to learn to speak Chinese to stay globally competitive today. Note that China now the world's second-largest economy, which means that there are many opportunities for you to get career wise if you speak the language of China . If you are trying to learn Chinese , you must be able to speak in a flood, then you will have a huge economic advantage, competitive world of business.

Nobel Prize winner Robert Mundell stated that China quickly becomes very advanced technology which gives them tremendous impact when ing dealwith powerful countries such as the United States. At present, China has become one of the largest trade partners of the USA where u.s. companies to sell products in China, more than 16,000 of course China sell us products. Besides being called by many the world's structured products; It also makes the place where these products are in fact. Just note that if you decide to take up Chinese, choose Mandarin since this gives you more edge business-wise; It is also the most common Chinese language in the world

To add it, 1/5th the world's population lives in China. This means that if you decide to learn to speak Chinese, you can definitely have someone with whom you can e great withcat-no matter where in the world you are. Remember also that there are many "China-towns" throughout the world, these places can be found, such as New York and San Francisco. You will never need to lack of people to practice with as there are native Chinese speakers throughout the world.

With respect to being the most dominant economy in Asia, China is definitely the top place. There are several countries with large Chinese populations including, speak in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines. It has also been pointed out in the book that the CIA States, Thailand and Cambodia to singapore use Chinese as their main languages.

As you learn to speak Chinese you can learn what makes their so varied; People and customs. It also connects you to the history and give you an idea how cultural past which allows you a better understanding of the present. Moreover, Chinese culture is so rich in tradition and so many interesting beliefs that still today in an applicationsuch as Feng Shui and Astrology by Chinese . Furthermore, China also contributed in the area of the arts,a catin Greece, health and welfare; Medicine, science and technology.

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